Topics of International Activities
The Global Leader Course was established as an initiative in human resource
development at Kumamoto University, to connect the university to the world.
Kumamoto University is home to many international students and academic members from a wide range of countries around the world. Its campuses are full of opportunities to develop international sensibilities even while still in Kumamoto. This distinctive quality of the university has made it possible to establish the Global Leader Course (GLC), which aims to foster talented individuals who will be able to play active roles in the global society of the 21st century. The GLC offers an original educational curriculum called the GOKOH School Program, which carries on the spirit of the former Fifth High School, summed up by “Goki Bokutotsu” (strength of character and rugged honesty). After their entrance, GLC students will cultivate the general skills required of future global leaders and basic expertise for two years. Then, they will select a department and course in the third year to acquire advanced and specialized skills. This course aims to nurture individuals who are not only equipped with knowledge, education and expertise, but who have the confidence to positively engage with people from home and abroad, and who will thrive and serve in active roles in global society.One of the most distinctive features of the course is the Global Study Program. This program offers multidisciplinary studies conducted in English where students can simulate studying abroad. Students can build a flexible and logical way of thinking, analytical skills and English communication abilities by studying in a diverse environment with international students and working people.

Members of the inaugural class of the Global Leader Course

Class scene

Class scene
U.S. – Japan Relations Seminar Held at Kumamoto University with Mansfield Foundation
On June 15, 2017, scholars visiting Kumamoto as part of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation’s U.S. – Japan Network for the Future program held a panel discussion at the Faculty of Engineering 100 Year Memorial Hall with attendance by approximately 150 participants, including local high school students, university students and staff, the U.S. – Japan Relations Association of Kumamoto, as well as the general public of Kumamoto. The discussion focused on the current context, as well as the potential future course, of U.S. – Japan relations. The conversation was joined by three scholars from the Mansfield Foundation; Dr. Gerald Curtis (Columbia University, Mansfield Foundation Board of Directors), Dr. Leonard Schoppa (University of Virginia), and Dr. Sheila Smith (Council on Foreign Relations), and was moderated by Mr. Benjamin Self (Vice-President of the Mansfield Foundation). The seminar was a meaningful opportunity to promote understanding and a more global perspective among the citizens of Kumamoto. At the Center for Open Education, we hope to continue strengthening our important relationship with the Mansfield Foundation, as well as to continue offering similar opportunities for academic growth in the future.
The panel discussion at the Faculty of Engineering 100 Year Memorial Hall
A double degree agreement was concluded with Khon Kaen University’s Faculty of Medicine on November 3rd, 2016
With the aim of promoting student and research exchanges with the Faculty of Medicine of Khon Kaen University, a double-degree agreement for a doctoral course with the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Kumamoto University was concluded, and the signing ceremony was held at Khon Kaen University on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016. It was the first double-degree agreement concluded for the Graduate School of Medical Sciences. Four representatives from Kumamoto University, including Professor Kazuhito Tomizawa, Education Committee Chairman of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, attended the ceremony. The signing ceremony was followed by a courtesy visit by the Vice President in Charge of Research, and an introduction to Kumamoto University by Professor Tomizawa. On November 4th, a research seminar was held where Professor Kazuhito Tomizawa, Professor Song Wen-Jie and Professor Seiji Okada presented research summaries and introductions to the School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Kumamoto University, which led to deepened mutual understanding and further exchanges in the future. Khon Kaen University is one of nine National Research Universities in Thailand. It is a comprehensive university that leads in research and education in the northeastern part of the country. Since the conclusion of the exchange agreement in 2004, Khon Kaen University has been actively promoting student and researcher exchanges with Kumamoto University.
Signing ceremony at Khon Kaen University
The Opening Ceremony of AP-SixERS Takes Place in Bangkok, Thailand
On August 21, Kanazawa University and SUN/SixERS (Six National Universities International Education and Research System) hosted the Opening Ceremony for SixERS ASEAN Platform (AP-SixERS) in Bangkok, Thailand. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Shigeki Kobayashi, Head of the Cultural Public Relations Department at the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director of ASEAN University Network, and approximately 100 participants from government agencies, partner institutions in Thailand, and Japanese businesses located in Bangkok, and they celebrated the opening of the new office. This office is the third joint office established by SUN/ SixERS, a consortium of six national universities, Chiba University, Niigata University, Kanazawa University, Okayama University, Nagasaki University and Kumamoto University, after the Asian Platform (Changchun, China) established in November 2014 and European Platform (Leiden, Netherland) established in August 2016. Thepurpose of the joint offices is to promote exchanges with excellent universities on the globe, particularly with those in the regions of strategic importance. This office was established after changing the location of the Bangkok Office, which Kanazawa University set up on the campus of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, and putting it into joint use for SUN/ SixERS (Six National Universities International Education and Research System). The office aims to promote alliances in the ASEAN region and to develop global human talent in partnership with industry. The Graduate School of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology of Kumamoto University concluded a department-level exchange agreement with the Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi on October 5, 2016. This has brought about various achievements, including the acceptance of special research students and joint research projects through JST. The office will direct its energies to further promoting such exchange programs. In addition, as Kumamoto University is a member of the ASEAN+3 University Network, which includes 30 universities in ASEAN member nations and 18 universities in Japan, China and Korea (including six national universities in Japan), this office is expected to serve as an important liaison and coordination base for the six national universities, and will offer diverse advantages of scale. Furthermore, the KX building (established by King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi for the purpose of improving innovation capabilities in Thailand) has tenant space available for companies, which will help enable industryuniversity cooperation with local and Japanese companies.
Front of the KX building