A Visit from Mansfield Fellow, Ms. Lillian Mano
On November 13th, Kumamoto University had the honor of hosting Ms. Lillian Mano, a Program Environmental Specialist from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Ms. Mano, a member of the 28th class of Mansfield Fellows, has just completed an intensive seven-week Japanese language program in Ishikawa Prefecture. She is now preparing to begin a ten-month placement at various Japanese government agencies in Tokyo as part of the Mansfield Fellowship Program.During her visit, Ms. Mano met with Distinguished Professor Takanori Sonoda, the Organization for Globalization at Kumamoto University. Professor Sonoda, who himself is a Mansfield Senior Fellow, serves as the lead organizer for the university’s ongoing collaboration with the Mansfield Foundation. Ms. Mano expressed her gratitude to Professor Sonoda for hosting her visit.
Following this, Ms. Mano visited two Kumamoto University professors: Professor Riken Homma from the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, and Professor Yuji Hoshino from the Center for Water Cycle, Marine Environment and Disaster Management (CWMD). She had the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions with both professors, exchanging ideas on topics of her interest, including initiatives for elderly housing with a focus on disaster resilience, environmental conservation, and strategies for disaster mitigation in housing.
Kumamoto University is proud to host the Kumamoto-Mansfield Lecture Series, where Mansfield Fellows are invited to share their professional insights and experiences. The next series is scheduled to take place from December 29, 2024, to February 7, 2025, with Ms. Lillian Mano confirmed as one of the featured speakers. This visit has further deepened mutual understanding between Ms. Mano and the university, serving as a warm-up for the upcoming lecture series. We look forward to welcoming her back for this exciting event!
About the Mansfield Foundation
The Mansfield Foundation is a U.S.-based non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening U.S.-Japan relations through professional exchange and collaboration.
About the Mansfield Fellowship Program
The Mansfield Fellowship Program is a professional development initiative for U.S. federal employees, offering them an immersive experience in Japan to deepen their understanding of the country’s culture, language, and policies. Fellows gain expertise that enhances their work in Japan and Asia-related programs and initiatives.

Ms. Mano (center) with Distinguished Professor Sonoda (left)

Presentation by Prof. Homma on Disaster-Resistant Community Development and Urban Design

With Prof. Homma (left)

Discussion with Prof. Hoshino on “Recovery and Reconstruction Projects in Mashiki Town”

With Prof. Hoshino (Right)