External Evaluations
Authorized in FY2023
Third-party Evaluation
Unit Evaluated
Type of Evaluation
Evaluating Entity
Duration of Evaluation
Evaluation Results Publication Date |
Public URL
Evaluation Results
Kumamoto University | Certified Evaluation and Accreditation (CEA) | National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE) | 2022.4.1~2029.3.31 | 2022.3.24 | https://www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/daigakujouhou/kihonjoho/hyouka |
Graduate School of Education (Professional Graduate School) | Accreditation of Graduate Schools of Teaching | The Institute for the Evaluation of Teacher Education | 2022.4.1~2027.3.31 | 2022.3.28 | https://www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/daigakujouhou/kihonjoho/hyouka |
School of Medicine | Accrediation of a medical school | Japan Accreditation Council for Medical Education (JACME) | 2020.2.1~2027.1.31 | 2020.1.24 | http://www.medphas.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/medical/med/jacme.html |
School of Pharmacy | Evaluation of pharmeceutical education programs | Japan Accreditation Board for Pharmaceutical Education (JABPE) | 2020.3..31~ 2027.3.31 |
2020.3.31 | http://jabpe.or.jp/special/result_2019.html |
Urban and Regional Planning and Design, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Engineering | JABEE | Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) | 2021.4.1~ 2027.3.31 |
2023.3.3 | http://www.jabee.org/accreditation/summary_report/ |
Mechanical System, Department of Mechanical and Mathematical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering | JABEE | Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) | 2021.4.1~2027.3.31 | 2023.3.3 | http://www.jabee.org/accreditation/summary_report/ |
Architecture and Building Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Engineering | JABEE | Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) | 2018.4.1~ 2024.3.31 |
2019.3.8 | http://www.jabee.org/accreditation/summary_report/ |
Electronic Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering | JABEE | Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) | 2018.4.1~ 2024.3.31 |
2019.3.8 | http://www.jabee.org/accreditation/summary_report/ |
University Hospital | HOspital Functional Assesment | Japan Council for Quality Health Care | 2019.6.5~ 2024.6.4 |
2020.3.6 | https://www.report.jcqhc.or.jp/detail/id=3314 |