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Opening of Kumamoto University's Liaison Office in ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia

Kumamoto University has established a new Liaison office at the campus of one of the prestigious universities in Indonesia - “The Consortium of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)”, at Surabaya on July 20, 2010.
With its continuous efforts towards strengthening international networks, Kumamoto University had initiated the process of establishing its offices in abroad. The first liaison office was established in Shanghai, China, in 2005, followed by another office in KAIST, Korea, in 2006. The academic interactions, mainly in terms of exchange of researchers and students, have been rapidly increasing and expanding with the universities from East Asia and South-East Asia. Therefore, it was felt that an office in Indonesia would be ideal to cater to the needs of South-East Asian region. Indonesia ranks third considering the number of Indonesian students studying in Kumamoto University. Also, considering the fact that Kumamoto University has ongoing agreement for academic exchange with ITS, Surabaya, and there is strong research collaboration between the two universities, the liaison office was formally established within the ITS Campus on July 20, 2010. The opening ceremony was attended by President Taniguchi, Professor Usagawa of the Graduate School of Science and Technology, and staff of the Center for Globalization. From ITS side, many people, including the Rector of ITS, participated in the ceremony. The Consular General of the Japanese Consulate at Surabaya was invited to the function as a special guest.
ITS has been an important partner of Kumamoto University in various collaborative activities, including the JICA funded project (namely, the nurturing of manpower in information technology at ITS Surabaya) and the 6th Kumamoto University Forum which was held in Surabaya in 2008.
The newly-established liaison office is expected to contribute greatly to the strengthening of research collaboration and student exchange between Kumamoto University and ITS, and other leading universities of Indonesia. The office will provide updated information on Kumamoto University to prospective students and researchers. It will also assist in networking of our Alumni who are living in Indonesia.
