Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the COVID-19

March 24, 2023

President, Kumamoto University

February 2023, the government's novel coronavirus response headquarters has decided to classify
the novel coronavirus as a "type 5 infectious disease" under the Infectious Diseases Act from May
8, 2023, and the concept of wearing masks was reviewed. Based on this, Kumamoto University's
correspondence to COVID-19 will be as follows:

1. Handling of wearing masks
(1) After April 1, 2023
・Respect the subjective choice of the individual and leave the wearing to the individual's
judgment as a basic.
However, depending on the situation, the university may ask you to wear masks.
・Please refer to Kumamoto Prefecture's "Wearing masks" (*1).
(*1) https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/soshiki/30/137944.html
(2) Graduation ceremony (March 25, 2023)
・We will not ask you to wear a mask during the ceremony, but leave it to your personal
However, we ask that you wear a mask when you arrive and when you leave.
(3) Entrance ceremony (April 4, 2023)
・Regardless of whether you are visiting, during the ceremony, or leaving, we will not ask you to
wear a mask.

2. Dining parties
(1) After March 23, 2023
・There are no restrictions on dinner parties.
・Please refer to the “Four Steps to Lower Risks of Spreading Infection at Lunch/Dinner
Meetings” published by Kumamoto Prefecture. (*2).
(*2) https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/soshiki/30/93983.html

3. The novel coronavirus measures
(1) Until May 7, 2023
・Please take precautions to prevent infection based on the “Kumamoto University’s
Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 43)”
(2) After May 8, 2023
" Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version
will be abolished.
・For the time being, we will maintain the current status of hand sanitizer and temperature
monitors for infection control. Please continue to practice "hand hygiene such as washing
hands" and "ventilation".

4. If you are infected with the novel coronavirus.
(1) Until May 7, 2023
・If you become infected, it is required to report it through the system in Moodle, "Report of
infection "and also inform your department and a professor who is in charge of each class.
(2) After May 8, 2023
・If you are found to be infected with the novel coronavirus, please follow the instructions of
the medical institution.
・The system in Moodle,"Report of infection ", "The novel coronavirus infection confirmation
and subsequent response flow chart" and "The health check sheet" will be abolished .

5. Others
・As of March 23, 2023, Kumamoto University's novel coronavirus infectious disease
countermeasures meeting will end.
・Measures against the novel coronavirus infectious disease at the University Hospital (Honjo
North Campus) may be determined separately.



General Affairs Division
Ext. 3117 & 3118

>>Previous announcements
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) (Second Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Third Protocol)

Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (4th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (5th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (6th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (7th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (8th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (9th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (10th Version Protocol)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Version Protocol 11)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 12)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 13)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 14)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 15)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 16)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 17)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 18)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 19)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 20)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 21)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 22)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 23)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 24)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 25)

Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 26)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 27)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 28)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 29)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 30)
Kumamoto University’s Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 31)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 32)

Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 33)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 34)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 35)

Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 36)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 37)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 38)

Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 39)

Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 40)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 41)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 42)
Kumamoto University's Correspondence to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 (Protocol Version 43)

