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Degree Conferral and Curriculum Design Guidelines

Bachelor's Program

Diploma Policy
 In keeping with our educational objectives, Kumamoto University confers the Bachelor's Degree upon those persons who have completed the requisite units and acquired the following qualities and abilities.

○ Students are able to think logically based on deep learning and strong expertise in a way that contributes to the growth of Japan and the international community.
○ Students are able to communicate intelligently with people of varying cultures and value systems.
○ Students are able to rationally perceive changes in the social climate and apply their expertise to solving the issues facing society.
Curriculum Policy
 To achieve our objectives, Kumamoto University provides an education that offers strong academic learning, high-level expertise, and a deeper understanding of the history, nature and culture of the local region. Each educational program adheres to the following guidelines in designing its curriculum.

○ Learners study in a way that balances learning and expertise effectively in order to identify the essence of a problem and arrive at solutions based on logical thinking.
○ Learners gain knowledge and skills that enable them to understand varying cultures and value systems, think from a global perspective, and take intelligent action within the international community and the local regions it contains.
○ Learners acquire a disposition that enables them to define their own objectives and learn actively while collaborating with various people throughout their lifetime.
Degrcee Conferral and Curriculum Design Guidelines
  • Broad Learning

Students acquire the general knowledge needed by learned citizens regarding culture, society, nature and life to become active learners who understand different ways of thinking and pursue ever greater knowledge.

  • Sound Expertise

Students acquire basic knowledge related to the theories, concepts and methods in their field of specialization and apply it toward solving problems using information and data relevant to their field.

  • Creative Intelligence

Students work as individuals and in teams to resolve issues they identify on their own by engaging in necessary studies/research and practical measures and have the ability to present and discuss the outcomes in a logical way.

  • Ability to Act in Society

Students develop a broad interest in society and examine themselves in relation to society and others. They acquire ethics and communication skills required of citizens and professionals while exploring their own future paths and strengthening their commitment to making contributions to society.

  • Global Perspective

Students develop an international sensibility and gain the necessary foreign language skills and understanding of different value systems and cultures to actively participate in the international community.

  • Facility with Information and Communications Technology

Students gain the knowledge, skills and ethics needed to use the information and communications technology (ICT) required in everyday society.

  • General Intellectual Ability

Students gain the fundamental reading, writing and numerical skills required across the various fields of specialization and in everyday society.

Graduate Programs

Degree Conferral Guidelines

Doctoral Pre-candidacy, Master's and Professional Programs

Building upon the foundations laid during their bachelor's programs, students in doctoral pre-candidacy programs, master's programs and graduate professional programs acquire the following knowledge and abilities through specialized, high-level education and research programs suited to local and international needs.

  • Specialized, High-level Knowledge, Skills and Research Ability

Building upon the foundations laid during their bachelor's program education, students demonstrate high-level knowledge and the ability to keep their skills and knowledge current through ongoing study throughout their lifetime. They possess the creativity to use information, develop ideas and apply them in their research activities.

  • Extensive Learning that Enables Cross-Disciplinary Understanding

Students attain universal, high-level learning and the ability to integrate knowledge to solve complex problems by applying their own knowledge and understanding in a socially and ethically responsible way.

  • Ability and Perspective to Act Globally

To pursue solutions to the issues facing contemporary society, students gain an understanding of the world's diverse cultures, histories and institutions, as well as specialized knowledge, skills, and their own way of thinking acceptable by international standards. They also acquire the ability to communicate clearly with other specialists and the general public.

  • Leadership to Serve Local Communities

Students use their knowledge, skills and problem-solving abilities to serve as leaders in their communities in their fields of expertise and more broadly in interdisciplinary domains.

Doctoral Post-candidacy and Doctoral Programs

Building upon the foundations laid during their bachelor's, master's and doctoral pre-candidacy programs, students in doctoral post-candidacy and doctoral programs acquire the following advanced knowledge and abilities through education and research programs that respect their spirit of independence and autonomy.

  • Specialized, High-level Knowledge, Skills and Research Ability

Students gain systematic knowledge in a specialized field and the techniques and methods necessary for conducting research in that field. They learn to set objectives that require high-level expertise, engage in research independently with deep insight and broad judgment and contribute to a knowledge-based society using the outcomes.

  • Deep Learning that Enables Cross-Disciplinary Understanding

Building upon a foundation of universal, high-level learning, students pioneer new academic fields with an overarching perspective by applying their own knowledge and understanding to research in a socially and ethically responsible way.

  • Ability and Perspective to Act Globally

Through original research, students create cutting-edge knowledge in their academic field, present their outcomes nationally and internationally, and contribute to the growing front lines of knowledge in the global community.

  • Leadership to Serve Local Communities

Students contribute to the revitalization of local community industry, culture, education, healthcare and more from a scientific and expert perspective by serving as cutting-edge researchers and high-level, research-minded professionals who can help lead their local communities.

For more details, please click here.
※Japanese only

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