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11_Efforts to Address Various International Issues


Name of project

Outline of project

Africa Health and Wellbeing Initiative Participated as an advisor to a project implemented by the Cabinet Secretariat's Health and Medical Care Strategy Office
Epidemiology of HIV-1 subtype A/E virus infection and basic research for vaccine development and treatment using the Hanoi cohort Conducting basic research to develop an AIDS vaccine and treatment against HIV-1 CRF01_AE (subtype A/E), which is endemic in Southeast Asia by using the Hanoi cohort established at the Vietnam National Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Project to establish a "bench-to-bedside system" for maintaining treatment success and stoppinn new HIV-1 infections in Vietnam
(Project of "Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)") 
Developing a "bench-to-bedside system" to maintain effective anti-HIV therapy and analysing the immunocompetence of HIV-exposed uninfected patients and drug resistance of the epidemic HIV in Vietnam
A study of HIV-1 subtype A/E infection for AIDS vaccine and cure
(Program by AMED emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases at overseas research centers)
Performing virological, immunological and epidemiological analysis of HIV-1 subtype A/B prevalent in Vietnam to clarigy the differences from other subtype viral infections.

Completed projects
Name of project
Outline of project
Human resource development of blood cell morphologists (doctors and clinical laboratory technicians) in Mongolia Providing technical support as the Japanese counterpart as a project of the Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology, with the Bureau of International Health Cooperation, National Center for Global Health and Medicine.
JICA Partnership Program
Project for Development of Human Resources Working with Children with Intellectual Disability in Thailand (Thailand)
From January 2016 to January 2019
Aim: To foster human resources who support children with intellectual disabilities in Bangkok and its surrounding area to provide appropriate care and education for them
Comprehensive Vocational Education through the Development of Digital Educational Materials - Investigate an e-learning system adapted to the current status of IT infrastructure in Iran to make a suggestion to implementing agencies.
- Teach how to develop digital educational materials that meet the needs of students taking a course (a series of processes “Plan-Do-Check-Action” from the investigation of needs and the creation of courses/educational materials to the improvement of a monitoring and evaluation system). In the processes, support the development of pilot educational materials.
- Support the creation of training manuals on how to operate an e-learning system and develop digital educational materials.
Basic Research for the Development of Vaccines against HIV Infection and New Anti-HIV Drugs in Asia Conduct basic research to develop vaccines against HIV infection and new anti-HIV drugs in Asia through the establishment of a Vietnam cohort for research on HIV-1 A/E.
UK-Japan Workshop: A preventive approach in dealing with major disasters from community, organisational and clinical perspectives In the UK-Japan Workshop held at the British Embassy Tokyo on January 31, 2017, various efforts of Japan and the UK on mental health care after disasters, including wars, terrorism, and natural disasters, were reported, and a discussion was held on how to use past case examples for future disasters. A report was also made on the Mental Care Activities for Children after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake—Emergency Dispatch of School Counselors Project.
Under Water Power Generation System A technical discussion was conducted concerning various issues occurring when electrical equipment, such as an ocean current power generator, is installed under water.
JICA Partnership Program
Project to Develop Rehabilitation Skills of Staff Members of Guilin Rehabilitation Center in China (China)

From FY 2010 to FY 2012
We contributed to the formation of social security systems by introducing the philosophy and technology of Japan’s social security systems in the fields of healthcare, medical care and welfare services through the Project to Develop Rehabilitation Skills of Staff Members of Guilin Rehabilitation Center.

Capacity Building of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology to Strengthen University-Community Linkage (Vietnam)
From March 2009 to September 2012
We supported the improvement of education and research capacity and the reinforcement of the network of the relevant institutions, both of which were necessary to promote community-based activities, by introducing research-oriented education, so that Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology could contribute to community development.
Project for Research on and Education Development of Information and Communication Technology at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Indonesia)
Phase 1: From April 2006 to March 2010
Phase 2: From January 2012 to December 2014
In Phase 1, we supported the improvement of the research and education capacity of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. In Phase 2, we supported the further promotion of laboratory-centered education, the further improvement of research capacity, and the reinforcement of the personal network between Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and universities in the eastern Indonesian region.

International Affairs Division, External Affairs Department

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