08_5_Tuition Fee Exemption
Tuition fee exemption
The tuition fee exemption system of Kumamoto University currently has two pillars: the "general category" which is a general exemption system based on the academic achievement standards and the family finance standards. And the "special Category" which targets households affected by Natural disaster or COVID-19 pandemic and have been subject to sudden changes in their family finances.
For a tuition fee exemption system for the "special categpry" please contact the following contact desk.
●For tuition fees for first semester 2025 A.Y.:
For those who wish to apply for the exemption of tuition fees for first semester, please download the application guidebook.
" Application Guidebook for Tuition Fee Exemption for 2025 Academic Year. "
1.Students eligible for the exemption of tuition fees
The tuition fee exemption system allows students who fall under any of the following items to be exempted from tuition fees after screening.
[ a ] A student who has difficulty paying tuition fees for economic reasons and has an excellent academic record
[ b ] A student who has extreme difficulty paying tuition fees because the academic expenses supporter has died, or the student (applicant) himself/herself or academic expenses supporter has suffered damage from wind, flood, or other disaster within six months prior to the application for the exemption of tuition fees (within one year prior to admission to the university for newly enrolled students) in Japan
*For privately financed International students, the students themselves (or spouse) are considered as Academic Expense Supporter.
[ c ] A student who started residence in Japan and worked part-time, and whose income (part-time job, etc. salary) was less than half due to the spread of COVID-19 infection, and those who have been unable to pay the first semester tuition fee and are still in that situation.
(Note) Even though students fall under the items described above, they are not eligible for exemption if they fall under any of the following items.
・A student who has already paid the tuition fees for the semester for which he/she wishes to apply for exemption
・A student who has repeated the same year without any special reasons, including illness and studying abroad
・A student who has stayed on for the time exceeding the shortest course term without any special reasons,
including illness and studying abroad
・A student who has been disciplined within six months before the start of the semester for which he/she applies for exemption or is being disciplined
2.Application procedures
Students who wish to apply for the exemption of tuition fees must do two-steps application. The application process consists of an online application in the step-1 application, followed by the submission of the necessary documents for the exemption application in the step-2 application. If you are applying for the tuition fee exemption (a whole year) in February, you do not need to re-apply for a tuition fee exemption for the second semester (Late July to early August). (A whole year means to apply for the first and second semesters together.) It is also possible to apply only for the first semester without applying for the year-round. (Application time: Scheduled for late July to early August.) Only those who have not applied for the full year and wish to apply for the second semester tuition exemption, and those who have applied for the full year and have a change in their family or financial situation are eligible to apply.
3.Screening method
Students who meet the academic achievement standards are screened based on the family finance standards.
After the screening, those exempted from all or half of the tuition fees are selected.
However, since the exemption is made within the limits of the budget, the exemption may not be given to all students that meet the standards.
※The Tuition exemption will be screened for each of the first and second semester (first semester April-September, second semester October-March). The exemption results for the first semester will not be referred to the second semester.