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03_Undergraduate Program

Implementation Systems of Education within the Relevant Educational Organizations (Undergraduate Program)

Matters related to education, student support, and other academic services are discussed by the following committees and councils in the relevant educational organizations.
[Page top] [Faculty of Letters] [Faculty of Education] [Faculty of Law]
[Faculty of Science] [School of Medicine] [School of Pharmacy] [Faculty of Engineering]
[School of Informatics]      
Faculty of Letters

Name of organization

Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Letters

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faulty of Letters)

2.Full-time professor, associate professor, lecturer, and assistant professor of humanities courses in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies

3.Person selected among the full-time professors, associate professors, lecturers, and assistant professors at the Kumamoto Innovative Development Organization, the Headquarters for Admissions and Education, the College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies, the Eisei-Bunko Research Center, and the Research Center for Buried Cultural Properties, and deemed necessary by the Faculty Council according to the provision specified separately

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum

2.Topics on the admission and graduation of students and the transfer of student status

3.Topics on the recognition of credits

4.Topics on the entrance examination

Educational Affairs Committee

1. Chairperson
2. Vice Chairperson

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum

2.Topics on the admission and graduation of students

3.Topics on the recognition of credits

Entrance Examination Committee

1. Chairperson
2. Vice Chairperson

1.Topics on the National Center Test for University Admissions

2.Topics on the faculty’s entrance examination

3.Topics on the faculty information session

Student Support Committee


2.Members (person selected from each division)

1.Topics on student support

International Exchange Committee

2.Vice Chairperson

1.Topics on the dispatch and acceptance of international students

Public Relations and Informatization Promotion Committee


2.Members (person selected from each division)

1.Topics on public relations for the entrance examination

2.Topics on visiting lectures

FD Committee


2.Members (person selected from each division)

1.Topics on FD activities

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Faculty of Education
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Education

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faulty of Education)

2.Full-time professor, associate professor, and lecturer of the Faculty of Education

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum of the faculty

2.Topics on the admission, graduation, completion of the course of study, and enrollment of students, and on the conferment of degrees

3.Other topics on education and research in the faculty

Evaluation and FD Committee


2.One of the Vice-Deans

3.One person selected from each course

1.Topics on the formulation of basic policies on how to inspect and evaluate education and research activities

2.Topics on the implementation and announcement of the inspection and evaluation of education and research activities

3.Topics on the formulation and implementation of basic policies to improve the teaching ability of instructors

4.Topics on the formulation and implementation of basic policies to enhance the qualifications of students

5.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

Educational Affairs Committee


2.One person selected from each course

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum

2.Topics on course registration

3.Topics on the transfer of student status

4.Topics on the improvement of educational conditions

5.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

Welfare and Employment Committee


2.One person selected from each course

1.Topics on student life and activities

2.Topics on the discipline of students

3.Topics on the job placement of students

4.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

Teaching Practice Committee


2.One person selected from each course and one person from the Center for Educational Research and School Development

1.Topics on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of teaching practice

2.Topics on the planning and implementation of care work practice, etc.

3.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

Entrance Examination Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education)

2.Entrance Examination Committee member

3.Chairperson of the Educational Affairs Committee

4.One person recommended by the Educational Affairs Committee and approved by the Faculty Council

5.One person selected by the Faculty Council

1.Topics on the planning and implementation of the selection of new students

Entrance Examination Expansion Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education)

2.Entrance Examination Committee member

3.Chairperson of the Educational Affairs Committee

4.One person recommended by the Educational Affairs Committee and approved by the Faculty Council

5.One person selected by the Faculty Council

6.One person selected from each course

1.Topics on the planning and implementation of the selection of new students

Education Activity Promotion Committee

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Education)

2.Two Vice-Deans

3.Director of the Center for Educational Research and School Development

4.Chairperson of the Evaluation and FD Committee

5.One person selected from each academic course (teaching profession course, science course, humanities course, practical training course, and special-needs and school nursing education course)

1.Topics on the planning and coordination of education projects as an organization

2.Topics on support for educational activities of groups and individuals

3.Other important matters on the promotion of educational activities

Elementary School Teacher Training Course Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education)

2.One person selected from each course that accepts students enrolled in the Elementary School Teacher Training Course

3.Several persons deemed necessary by the Chairperson

1.Topics on the philosophy and objectives of the curriculum of the Elementary School Teacher Training Course

2.Topics on the medium- and long-term vision for the curriculum of the Elementary School Teacher Training Course

3.Topics on the approach to organizational education and research

4.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

Junior High School Teacher Training Course Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education)

2.One person selected from each academic course (teaching profession course, science course, humanities course, and practical training course,)

3.Several persons deemed necessary by the Chairperson

1.Topics on the philosophy and objectives of the curriculum of the Junior High School Teacher Training Course

2.Topics on the medium- and long-term vision for the curriculum of the Junior High School Teacher Training Course

3.Topics on the approach to organizational education and research

4.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

Kindergarten Education Course Steering Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education)
Chairperson of the

2.Chairperson of the Educational Affairs Committee

3.Principal of the University Kindergarten

4.One person selected from each course where students taking the Kindergarten Education Course belong

5.Several persons deemed necessary by the Chairperson

1.Matters on the operation of the curriculum related to the acquisition of a kindergarten teaching license

2.Matters on the curriculum of the course of study related to the acquisition of a kindergarten teaching license

3.Other topics referred by the Faculty Council, etc.

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Faculty of Law
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Law

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Law)

2.Full-time professor, associate professor, lecturer, and assistant professor of law courses in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences who are in charge of education in the Faculty of Law (excluding those concurrently in charge of education in other faculties and schools)

3.Dean and Vice-Dean of the School of Law

1.Topics on the admission, graduation, and completion of the course of study of students

2.Topics on the conferment of degrees

3.Other topics on education and research in the faculty

Educational and Student Affairs Committee


2.Vice-Chairperson (for educational affairs and FD)

3.Vice-Chairperson (for students)

4.Four members

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum

2.Topics on the recognition of credits, graduation of students, etc.

3.Topics on the welfare and guidance of students

4.Topics on FD

Entrance Examination and Public Relations Committee



3.Five members

1.Topics on the entrance examination

2.Topics on the operation and management of the website of the Faculty of Law

3.Topics on public relations

Career Support and Social Outreach Committee


2.Two members

1.Topics on support for career paths (job placement/promotion to higher education)

2.Topics on internships

Entrance Examination Planning and Essay Committee



3.Three members

1.Topics on essay test questions and interview materials for the entrance examination

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Faculty of Science
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Science

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Science)

2.Full-time professor of science courses in the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology

3.Full-time professor of science courses at the Center for Water Cycle, Marine Environment, and Disaster Management

4.Full-time professor of science courses at the Institute of Pulsed Power Science

1.Topics on the admission, graduation, and completion of the course of study of students

2.Topics on the conferment of degrees

3.Topics on the expulsion and discipline of students

4.Other important matters on education and research in the faculty

Steering Council



3.Members (one person selected from each department)

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum and on classes

2.Topics on study guidance for students

3.Topics on the transfer of student status

4.Other topics on educational affairs

Educational Affairs Committee



3.Members (one person selected from each department)

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum and on classes

2.Topics on study guidance for students

3.Topics on the transfer of student status

4.Other topics on educational affairs

Student Committee


2.Members (one person selected from each department other than the department from which the Chairperson has been selected)

1.Topics on the obligation to serve as an instructor in charge of first-year students

2.Topics on the Student Council

3.Topics on the training camp for new students

4.Topics on the Tanabata Festival

5.Topics on sports events

6.Other topics on student activities

Entrance Examination



3.Members (one person selected from each department)

1.Topics on the individual university academic achievement test

2.Topics on the entrance examination on recommendation

3.Other topics on the entrance examination

Public Relations Committee


2.Members (one member selected from each department)

1.Topics on the maintenance and management of the website of the Faculty of Science

2.Topics on the guide of the Faculty of Science

3.Topics on “Pure Science”

4.Topics on the newsletter of the Faculty of Science

5.Topics on the Open Campus

6.Other topics on public relations

FD Committee


2.Members (one member selected from each department)

1.Topics on class observation

2.Topics on FD lectures

3.Topics on FD training programs

4.Topics on student questionnaires

5.Other topics on FD

Job Placement Committee


2.Members (one member selected from each department)

1.Topics on job guidance

2.Topics on job placement seminars

3.Topics on the grasp of places of employment of students and schools where students have gone on to study

4.Topics on the management of the website related to job placement

5.Other topics on student career choices

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School of Medicine
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the School of Medicine

Chairperson (Dean of the School of Medicine)
1. Full-time professors of the Graduate School of Life Sciences in charge of education in the School of Medicine

2. Adjunct professors of the Graduate School of Life Sciences in charge of education in the School of Medicine

3. Full-time professors of the University Hospital

4. Full-time professors of the Health Center

5. Director of the University Hospital

6. Up to four full-time associate professors and lecturers of the Graduate School of Life Sciences and the Hospital, who are selected from among those in charge of education at the School of Medicine.

7. Any vacancies in the professorships of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (limited to the Department of Medicine) and the Center for Education and Research of Clinical Medicine (limited to the Department of Medicine)

8. The number of professors who will be elected from among those in charge of education at the Faculty of Life Sciences (limited to medical science) and the Center for Education and Research of Clinical Medicine (excluding those who are appointed as adjunct professors. A full-time associate professor or lecturer of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (limited to medical science) and the Research Center for Clinical Medical Education (excluding those with concurrent professorships. One full-time associate professor or lecturer for each vacant course, etc.

1.Matters on the formulation of the curriculum

2.Matters on the admission, graduation, and enrollment of students, and on the conferment of degrees

3.Matters on the screening of candidates for the Director of the University Hospital and the Director of the Medical Library

4.Other important matters on education and research in the School of Medicine

School of Medicine Steering Council

1.Chairperson (Dean of the School of Medicine)

2.Vice-Dean of the School of Medicine

3.Chair of the School of Medicine

4.Chair of the School of Health Care Sciences

5.Three professors of the School of Medicine

6.One professor from each course of the School of Health Sciences

1.Topics on the future vision of the School of Medicine

2.Topics on the rules of the School of Medicine

3.Topics on the budget and account settlement of the School of Medicine

4.Topics on the entrance examination

5.Topics on the admission, graduation, and enrollment of students

6.Topics on the withdrawal, leave of absence, expulsion, rewards and punishments, and status of students

7.Topics on the admission, withdrawal, leave of absence, expulsion, completion of the course of study, and status of international students

8.Matters referred by the Faculty Council

9.Other topics on the operation of the School of Medicine

School of Medicine Council

Chairperson (Dean of the School of Medicine)
1. Full-time professors of the Graduate School of Life Sciences in charge of education in the School of Medicine

2. Adjunct professors of the Graduate School of Life Sciences in charge of education in the School of Medicine

3. Full-time professors of the University Hospital

4. Full-time professors of the Health Care Center

5. Director of the University Hospital

6. Up to four full-time associate professors and lecturers of the Graduate School of Life Sciences and the Hospital, who are selected from among those in charge of education in the School of Medicine.

7. Corses in the Life Sciences Research Department, which has a vacancy in the position of professor (limited to medical departments) and the Center for Clinical Medical Education and Research (excluding those with concurrent professors). Hereinafter referred to as "lectures, etc. One full-time associate professor or lecturer for each course for which the vacancy arose

1.Topics on the screening of candidates for the Chair of the School of Medicine

2.Topics on the formulation of the draft of the curriculum of the School of Medicine

3.Topics on education in the School of Medicine

4.Matters referred by the Faculty Council

5.Other topics on the operation of the School of Medicine

School of Medicine Education and Educational Affairs Committee

1.Five professors of basic science courses and five professors of clinical science courses who are selected by the Faculty Council

2.Four members selected from among the associate professors and lecturers

3. The Chairperson of the Medical Student Committee (except in cases where the person serving as the Chairperson of the Student Committee is elected in accordance with Item (1))

4. One full-time professor or associate professor in the Department of Comprehensive Medical Education

5.One representative of the Director of Medical Education

6. Two representatives of medical students of the Faculty of Medicine

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum and on classes

2.Topics on study guidance for students

3.Topics on the admission, withdrawal, change of university, leave of absence, return to university, change of faculty/school, and graduation of students

4.Topics on non-degree students

5.Other topics on educational affairs

School of Medicine Student Committee

1.Two full-time professors of basic science courses and two full-time professors of clinical science courses in the Faculty of Life Sciences who are in charge of education in the School of Medicine and who are selected by the Faculty Council

2.Two members selected from among the associate professors and lecturers

3.One full-time professor or associate professor at the Center for Medical Education and Research

1.Topics on the welfare and guidance of students

School of Medicine Entrance Examination Committee

1.Chairperson (Dean of the School of Medicine)

2.Chairperson of the School of Medicine

3.Chairperson of the School of Medicine Education and Educational Affairs Committee

4.One full-time professor or associate professor at the Center for Medical Education and Research

5.Three full-time professors of the Faculty of Life Sciences who are in charge of education in the School of Medicine and who are designated by the Dean of the School of Medicine

1.Topics on screening methods and subjects for academic achievement tests

2.Topics on student application guidelines

3.Topics on the implementation policy of the entrance examination

4.Topics on the screening of successful candidates

5.Other matters deemed necessary for the entrance examination by the Chairperson

School of Health Sciences Council

1.Chairperson (Chair of the School of Health Sciences)

2.Full-time professor, associate professor, lecturer, and assistant professor of the School of Health Sciences

1.Topics on the formulation of the draft of the curriculum of the School of Health Sciences

2.Topics on education in the School of Health Sciences

3.Matters referred by the Faculty Council

4.Other topics on the operation of the School of Health Sciences

Health Sciences Steering Committee

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences)

2.Vice-Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences

3.Chair of each course

4.Person designated by the Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences

5.Chief of the Administrative Division of Life Sciences

1.Topics on the management and operation of the Graduate School of Health Sciences and the School of Health Sciences

2.Topics on the agendas of the Health Sciences research department meeting, the Faculty Council of the Graduate School of Health Sciences meeting, and the School of Health Sciences meeting

School of Health Sciences Entrance Examination Committee


2.Chair of the School of Health Sciences

3.One professor selected from each course (including the Chairperson)

4.Person designated by the Chair of the School of Health Sciences

1.Topics on screening methods, subjects for academic achievement tests, student application guidelines, the implementation policy of the entrance examination, the screening of successful candidates, and other entrance examination-related matters

School of Health Sciences Educational Affairs Committee


2.One member selected from each course (at the rank of lecturer or higher)

1.Topics on event schedule

2.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum

3.Topics on classes and study guidance for students

4.Topics on credits and the completion of the course of study

5.Topics on international students

6.Topics on the evaluation and improvement of education

7.Other topics on educational affairs

School of Health Sciences Student Committee


2.One member selected from each course (at the rank of lecturer or higher)

1.Topics on the welfare and guidance of students

School of Health Sciences FD Committee


2.One member selected from each course (at the rank of lecturer or higher)

1.Topics on FD activities

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School of Pharmacy
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the School of Pharmacy

1.Chairperson (Dean of the School of Pharmacy)
Person who is in charge of education in the School of Pharmacy in the following organizations

2.Full-time professor, associate professor, and lecturer of the Faculty of Life Sciences

3.Full-time professor, associate professor, and lecturer of the Department of Pharmacy, University Hospital

4.Full-time professor, associate professor, and lecturer at the Institute of Resource Development and Analysis

5.Full-time professor, associate professor, and lecturer at the Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics

1. Admission and graduation of students
2. Conferral of degrees
3. Expulsion and disciplinary action of students
4. Selection of candidates for the director of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division of the Faculty Library
5. Other matters related to education and research of the Faculty

Academic Affairs Committee (for both undergraduate and graduate students)


1.Topics on education in the School of Pharmacy and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ministry of Education


1.Topics on education in the School of Pharmacy

Student Council (common to both faculties)


1.Topics on the student support

Entrance Examination Administration and Study Committee (common to the School of Pharmacy and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Chairperson (Vice-Chairperson of the former Entrance Examination Administration and Study Committee)

1.Topics on the entrance examination

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Faculty of Engineering
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering)

2.Full-time professor of engineering courses in the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology

3.Full-time professor of engineering courses at the Institute of Pulsed Power Science

4.Full-time professor at the Kumamoto Innovative Development Organization

5.Full-time professor of engineering courses at the Center for Water Cycle, Marine Environment, and Disaster Management

6.Full-time professor of engineering courses at the Magnesium Research Center

7.Full-time professor of engineering courses at the College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies

1.Matters on the admission, graduation, and completion of the course of study of students

2.Matters on the conferment of degrees

3.Matters on the expulsion and discipline of students

4.Other important matters on education and research in the Faculty of Engineering

Representative Committee

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering)

2.Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

3.Chairperson of Departments or Course Director

4.Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Vice-Dean of Research)

5. Chairperson of the Educational Affairs Committee

6.Chairperson of the Entrance Examination Implementation Committee

7.Chairperson of the Student Support Committee

1.Topics on the establishment and revision of the rules of the Faculty of Engineering and other important rules

2.Topics on course of study, educational program and research facilities affiliated with the faculty

3.Topics on the entrance examination

4.Topics on the welfare and guidance of students

5.Topics on the side business of instructors

6.Topics on the budget of the Faculty of Engineering

7.Topics on future visions, including the medium-term plan and the annual plan

8.Topics on the acceptance of joint research with private and other organizations and contracted research

9. Matters related to planning and drafting of faculty management

10. Matters related to planning and drafting of future plans of the faculty

11. Other matters related to liaison and coordination of faculty management

12.Other matters referred by the Faculty Council and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

Steering Council

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering)

2.Two Vice-Deans of the Faculty of Engineering

3.Chairs of departments

1.Matters inquired by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

2.Topics on the planning for the operation of the Faculty of Engineering

3.Topics on the planning for the future vision of the Faculty of Engineering

4.Other topics on the liaison and coordination concerning the operation of the Faculty of Engineering

Manufacturing Project Steering Committee

1.Chairperson (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering)

2.Two Vice-Deans of the Faculty of Engineering

3.Chairs of departments

1.Consideration of the policy for implementing projects and project items

2.Provision of guidance and advice to the Manufacturing Project Expert Committee

Manufacturing Project Expert Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering)

2.One person from each department

3.One person from the Technical Division

4. Three Faculty members appointed by the Dean of the College of Engineering

1.Public advertisement for class improvement/curriculum expansion projects, student independent study/idea implementation projects, and other projects, and the review and screening of the projects

2.Planning of the Mono Kuri Challenge Contest, and the public advertisement, exhibition, and screening for the contest

3.Planning and holding of Project X

Education Committee

1.Chairperson (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering)

2.One person from each department, and One from courses

3.Chairperson of the Educational Affairs

4.Chairperson of the FD Committee

5.Chairperson of the Student Support Committee

6.Chairperson of the Entrance Examination Implementation Committee

7.Chairperson of the Job Placement Liaison Committee

8. Chairperson of the Engineering Basic Education Subcommittee

1.Formulation of the third medium-term objective/medium-term plan related to the Faculty of Engineering, and the revision of the objective

2.Promotion of the Cooperative Education Program for the Development of Innovative Manufacturing

3.Measures to prevent a decrease in the number of students who take the entrance examination in association with the lack of interest in science and engineering and a declining birthrate

4.Measures to support the safety of the lives of students and their independent extracurricular activities

5.Consideration of the educational methods for global expansion special programs

Educational Affairs Committee

1.Chairperson (professor selected by the Faculty Council)

2.Members (one person from each department)

3.One member (one person from the Technical Division)

1.Topics on the formulation of the curriculum and on classes

2.Topics on study guidance for students

3.Topics on the transfer of student status

4.Other matters on educational affairs

Class Improvement FD Committee

1.Chairperson (professor selected by the Faculty Council)

2.Members (one person from each department)

1.Topics on various FD activities

2.Topics on the implementation of the Mono Kuri Challenge Contest

3.Topics on international conferences concerning engineering education

4.Topics on university education cooperation symposiums

5.Other topics on FD

Student Support Committee

1.Chairperson (professor selected by the Faculty Council)

2.Members (one person from each department and one from courses)


1.Topics on the operation of the student counseling room

2.Topics on support for the activities of the Student Association, the Sports Festival, and the Exploration of Dream and Science event

3.Planning, preparation, and implementation of the Exploration of Dream and Science event

4.Other topics on student support

International Student Support Committee

1.Chairperson (professor selected by the Faculty Council)

2.Members (one person selected from each department)

1.Topics on the acceptance and dispatch of short-term international students

2.Topics on international exchange programs conducted on a university-wide basis and conducted individually by the Faculty of Engineering

3.Topics on recommendations for various scholarships for international students

4. Other topics on support for international students

Entrance Examination Implementation Committee

1.Chairperson (professor selected by the Faculty Council)

2.Members (one person from each department and one from courses)

1.Topics on the implementation of the general and special entrance examinations

2.Topics on the Faculty of Engineering information session and the Open Campus

3.Topics on the visits to high schools and colleges of technology

4.Other topics on the entrance examination

Job Placement Liaison Committee

1.Chairperson (professor selected by the Faculty Council)

2.Members (one person from each department)

1.Topics on support for job placement of students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering

School of Informatics
Name of organization
Organization members
Major discussion topics
Faculty Council of the School of Informatics

1.Chairperson (Dean of the School of Informatics)

2. Full-time professors, associate professors, lecturers, and assistant professors of law in the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences

3. Full-time professors, associate professors, lecturers, and assistant professors of engineering in the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology

4. Full-time professors, associate professors, lecturers, and assistant professors of Medicine in the Faculty of Life Sciences

5.Full-time professor, associate professor, and lecturer at the Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics

6. Other persons deemed necessary by the Faculty Committee.

1. Matters related to student expulsion and disciplinary action

2. Other matters related to education and research of the Schhol of Informatics

Board of Representitive

1. Chairperson (Dean of School of Informatics)
2. Vice-Dean of School of Informatics
3. Other persons deemed necessary by the Faculty Committee.

1. Matters related to the establishment, revision, or abolition of the regulations and other important rules
2. Matters related to the establishment, revision, or abolition of educational programs and courses
3. Matters related to entrance examinations
4. Matters related to the welfare and guidance of students
5. Budgetary matters
6. Matters related to future plans such as mid-term and annual plans
7. Matters related to planning and drafting for the management of the university's academic center
8. Other matters referred by the Faculty Council or the Dean of the School of Informatics
Ministry of Education

1. Chairperson (Professor)
2. Member(Exclusive or adjunct full-time faculty)

1. Matters related to the course of curriculum and classes
2. Matters related to the guidance of students in their studies
3. Matters related to student status transfers
4. Other matters related to educational affairs

Student Council

1. Chairperson (Professor)
2. Member(Exclusive or adjunct full-time faculty)

1.Matters related to student counseling
2.Activities and support of student associations
3.Other matters related to student support

Entrance Examination Administration and Study Committee

1. Chairperson (Professor)
2. Member(Exclusive or adjunct full-time faculty)

1. Matters related to the general and special selections
2. Information sessions and open campus
3. Matters related to high school visits
4. Other matters related to entrance examinations

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