Short-Term Exchange Program

 "Short-Term Exchange Program (Brochure)"


Kumamoto University Short-Term Exchange Program is designed for full-time foreign undergraduate students in their 2nd year or above from universities that have a student exchange agreement with Kumamoto University. The program offers courses on Japanese language, Japanese and Asian society and culture, advanced science and technology. At Kumamoto University, there are both half- and full-year programs, and students retain full-time student status at their home universities. This program encourages promotion of cultural and academic interactions between Kumamoto University and partner university students.

Available Courses and Qualifications

E Course (Program in English)

Students in this course mainly take Short-Term Exchange Program classes taught in English and some Japanese classes. Additionally, they have opportunities to attend non-credit Japanese language course for beginners during their stay.  Students who wish to take other classes must have a  consulatation with the office staff in advance. Also, those other classes will not be calculated towards program completion.

  • E Course seeking applicants should be 2nd year students or above at the time of program start.
  • For non-native English speakers, submission of a copy of TOEFL score (iBT 61 or higher) is required (IELTS score is also accepted).
         *Chinese CET, Indonesian ELPT are NOT adequate.
         *A letter from a professor CANNOT be accepted as a proof of language proficiency.
  • Applicants should be physically and mentally capable of completing their studies for designated periods.
         *Applicants should be able to hold the student VISA when she/he arrives in Japan.

J Course (Program in Japanese)

Students in this course mainly take classes in specialized subjects for undergraduate students of each faculty, as well as classes of the Japanese language. Also, they can take general education classes and Short-Term Exchange Program classes taught in English.

  • J Course Applicants should be non-Japanese students.
  • Applicants for J Course should be 2nd year students or above at the time of program start.
  • Applicants should have Japanese ability equivalent to JLPT N2 level or better.
         *A letter from a professor CANNOT be accepted as a proof of language proficiency.
  • Applicants should be physically and mentally capable of completing their studies for designated periods.
         *Applicants should be able to hold the student VISA when she/he arrives in Japan.


Period of Acceptance

Students are accepted for a half year or one full year that starts in either October or April.

Application Package

Please contact the person in charge of outbound program at your university for application documents. Kumamoto University does not accept any mails sent by indivitual students.