
Part-time Jobs

Information on part-time jobs is available at Kumamoto University. Coope jobs are available to help students support themselves financially while studying in Japan, and make sure that working part-time does not interfere with your study. International students can work up to 28 hours per week. Since international students can not work without permission from the Immigration Bureau, you need to submit an official form to the International Student office at the University.

Graduate Employment

The Career Support Section at the university helps international students seek career opportunities in Japan. The types of job support provided by the office includes information on job hunting procedures and skills - how to self-analyze yourself, how to do job market research, how to write a resume and a "Statement of Purpose," how to go about visiting companies you are interested in, plus advices on how to take aptitude tests given by companies, and interview tips. The office is also available for international students to prepare for employment exams.

Some staff members previously worked for human resources departments in corporate business. Their experience helps students learn the hiring process from the employer's point of view, including what employers are looking for in prospective employees. They can give you detailed answers to your specific questions about the hiring process, so feel free to talk with them about any questions you might have.