Call for participation in Kumamoto Mansfield Lecture Series Special Seminar

Kumamoto University is working with the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation (The Mansfield Foundation) to globalize Kumamoto University and Kumamoto region.
We are pleased to announce a seminar held, in collaboration with Higo Bank, featuring two lecturers who support the globalization of Kumamoto University, including this activity. Based on the lecturers’ backgrounds and experience, they will give a talk about global management, companies that take on global challenges, and how they work. We look forward to your participation.

Title: How to Sharpen Your Global Leadership Skills
        ~What is Global Innovation, diversity of thought?

Date and time: January 25, 2025 (Sat.) 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Venue: Higo Bank Kumamoto Office, 2F Meeting Room (1 Renpeicho, chou-ku, Kumamoto)
The number of participants: Up to 100 people
Fee: Free of charge
Language: Japanese (no English translation)
How to apply: Please apply from the following URL or scan a QR code on the attached flyer.

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