The Kumamoto University College Education Annals
The Annals is an annual journal published by the Center. It reports on the activities and excellent educational practices in general education, and it accepts papers on aspects of university education.
The Center Newsletter
The Center has been publishing newsletters periodically since 2007, which presents and publicizes its activities.
KU Teaching Series

The Center publishes the KU Teaching series to promote improvement of teaching practices at the University. The series that the Center has already published includes "How to Write a Syllabus," "The TA Handbook," and "An Introduction to ICT."
Daigaku deno Eigo no Manabikata

The Center, with the help of English teachers, has created this manual to help new university students in their English studies by providing them with practical tips and advice for language learning. The title of the booklet is Daigaku de no Eigo no Manabikata: Nouhau to Adobaisu (How to Study English at the University Level: Practical Tips and Advice).